


Jan Jecnyを紹介しましょう。あごひげが黒くて、となりの人よりハンサムでない方の男です。写真は先週の日曜日のものです。Janは1月に日本に来る前、東南アジアのほとんど全ての場所を訪れていました。 彼は四国の農場で冬を過し、その後北海道に来て小樽から稚内まで歩き、利尻、礼文を訪れ、知床と札幌へヒッチハイクで行きました。

詳細は彼のブログに http://vagabund.us/ あります。




#44 Will the real Budweiser please stand up? Part 1

The story of some of the beers on Mugishutei’s wall can be a short paragraph. Today we have Two brands. One dates back to 1265. It also involves a Czech beer blogger presently in Sapporo who plans to travel to Okinawa by bicycle (a two wheel Jeep to be exact).  And of course international law suits. 

This will take more than one or two posts. 

Let me introduce Jan Jecny. The less handsome one with the darker beard. The picture was taken last Sunday. Before coming to Japan in January he covered most of S.E.Asia. He then spent winter working on a farm in Shikoku. Then he came to Hokkaido walking from Otaru to Wakanai visited Rishiri Reibun and hitched to Shiretoko and Sapporo. 

His blog is http://vagabund.us/

In the Picture we are holding a can and bottle of Budweiser or Budvar. Not his favorite Czech beer. If you want to know his favorite keep reading tomorrow.

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